Vale of Amonition - The Witch

"They come with flame to take you away, my love. The name of Satan you
speak has sealed your fate. The end of the Reich is at hand, the ones
you blessed have betrayed your trust. Cursed, you walk to the stake,
my love. Possess my soul, reverse the curse you betrothed my Queen.
The dungeons are weeping for you. they twist, ignite and emerge for
you. The black you traced with your palm will shield your face and
make you one with the night. How I long for the cemetery. Just what
have you done to me my love? And now I long for the cemetery."

"I am the Witch who sets fires to fuel healing and now I'm accused of
desires for mass killing. My enemies bay for my blood and my burning.
My followers pray for my soul nad returning. The end will soon come
for those still in denial. My vengeance will burn those who planned
this betrayal. And those who stoked fires at the ancient Witch Trials,
will scream out in pain as they rot in the dungeons. I am the Queen of
the night in the Valley and I was the bane of all life in the Abyss.
My enemies crave for my death and destruction. My followers keep the
rituals of instruction. The end will soon come for those high in the
aisles. My vengeance will shame those who planned this deception and
those who killed fires that would start our renewal, will suffer the
fate of a torment that's eternal.
(darkly reminisces) And I remember how it all began, I had a vision
they would come. With the darkness they would rise. Out of the Abyss,
these beasts of war, would fight to take our precious Vale. And I
remember his stone face. The master of all sorcery. Aged by the magic
of time. Conjuring the ancient Ones to save our precious Vale.

"In the black, we shed no tear. Death is here but there's no fear. we
cried to God and now he's near. we've killed her dead on that we're
clear. The lover sits alone forlorn. His heart it bleeds, his mind is
torn. Black magic no more will it grow, the sun burns red, the Witch
is gone"